Did you know that you can chat your LibraryH3lp (and My Customer Cloud) queues on-the-go? In fact, you can staff your queues from any mobile...
Home > Archives for 2011
Twilio SMS gateway update - Canadian numbers now available!
We've got fantastic news for Canadian libraries using LibraryH3lp or My Customer Cloud! Twilio just approved us for their Canada SMS Bet...
A tour of the new Customer Dashboard
Hi everyone! If you've visited our website lately, you noticed that we have a new look. After upgrading our software , rolling out new ...
New feature: queue buddying
Have you ever wanted your staff to be able to see the presence for all the Libraryh3lp queues in your service at a glance? Or, have you ever...
Updated widget designer
Quick note about a few new screencasts to go over the latest changes to the widget designer: Updated widget designer part 1: Part 1: Basic o...
Canadian Servers Now Available
For LibraryH3lp: support@libraryh3lp.com Please include your affiliation and preferred admin username. Or RefChatter: info@altarama.com
New Signups, New Servers
At the risk of boring you, I'm going to start with a bit of LibraryH3lp history. Those of you who have been with us a long time will re...
Upgrade begins Sunday
Hey everyone, Just a reminder that we have a big upgrade on the way . Here is the rough timeline: We're taking the server down Sunday, ...
Introducing our new full time person, Amy
As Eric mentioned in the last post, we've done our very best to support our users, but we haven't been able to guarantee assistance ...
Upgrades and new service models on the way
Summer has arrived! We have a bunch of news to share, so let's get straight to it. New full-time person In the past, we've done our...
You can still haz. Just a little later.
Hey everyone, A couple of weeks ago, we temporarily suspended registration of new Libraryh3lp trial accounts. Although we indicated that th...