I've loved meeting several wonderful new library colleagues while working on LibraryH3lp. Often, it starts with a quick chat, and this was the case when I first "met" Amanda Clay Powers earlier this week. She was preparing to present a whole bunch of talks at the Mississippi Library Commission Tech Fair and also wanted to have a handout about LibraryH3lp to include in a display about new ideas from ALA. Well, creating that kind of thing had never even occurred to me, and amazingly, that same day, she put together a wonderful one-page handout for the display and generously said it was OK to make it available here.
So, I just uploaded it into the wiki in the downloads section, and here you go. Thanks, Amanda! You rock.
While I'm talking about great colleagues, I'd also like to soundly thank all of you that have mentioned LibraryH3lp to other librarians and especially those who have been patiently answering e-mails from other librarians asking about the system (Ellen!). We've always wanted to have a good community support base, and you all are fulfilling that wish in spades.
In other news, Eric's been working hard on improving the admin interface, and we hope to release the first upgrade, which offers better call history/transcript manipulation, very soon.
Help from our friends: new handout
Sabtu, 19 Juli 2008 on
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