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New webchat client

 on Senin, 20 Oktober 2008  

We have a new beta version of our librarian's webchat client. If you were using jwchat, our first such client, you'll notice the new one is different. We find it to be more robust, and it has been designed for integration with LibraryH3lp's features. Each patron chat window currently has the following features:

  • Displays the patron's queue in the title bar.
  • Has a drop-down menu for transfers.
  • Integrated "send file" option.
  • Typing notification.
  • New message alert noise loops until an operator accepts an incoming chat.
The client itself currently displays your buddy list, so your librarian operators can chat with each other. It also lets you add buddies and set your status (available, busy, etc).

It is fully integrated into the routing system, so if you have multiple operators online, some in Pidgin and some in the web chat client, they can all receive incoming chats and transfer them around. First to respond "wins" the chat. And of course, it works with all the usual incoming patron chats from widgets and IM gateways on your queues.

Login: https://libraryh3lp.com/webchat/ using an operator account. Use only the username, not username@libraryh3lp.com.

Logout by closing the webchat tab/window.

Known bug: if the login is flubbed, an error message loops. Refresh the page to get a new chance to login.


New webchat client 4.5 5 Unknown Senin, 20 Oktober 2008 We have a new beta version of our librarian's webchat client. If you were using jwchat, our first such client, you'll notice the ne...

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