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Library à la Carte Phoenix Edition source now available!

 on Kamis, 05 September 2013  

Update: As of April 9, 2015 we have discontinued development of Library à la Carte Phoenix Edition.

We've finalized our first round of updates to Library à la Carte and have released the code under the AGPL license through GitHub.  Phoenix Edition continues the great work by the Oregon State University Library & Press to provide an open source content management system specifically for libraries. It is free as in speech and free as in beer.

Like LibraryH3lp's FAQ module, Phoenix Edition has a fresh look and feel thanks to Bootstrap. One of the key new features is scrolled guides/pages with affixed left sidebar for easy navigation. Interested in seeing it in action? Check out LibraryH3lp's documentation site in Phoenix Edition.

As announced previously, Phoenix Edition runs Ruby on Rails 3. There are no database schema changes to simplify migration and we plan to maintain this release for a few years. There are a few remaining items to migrate before the release is considered complete. These include anything tutorial-related and searching/sorting of guides, page, and modules. We also plan to improve author workflows.

Once the upgrade to Ruby on Rails 3 is complete, we will focus on Rails 4 for future releases and begin to introduce database schema changes. We'd like to introduce virtual hosting and access controls, which allows a single instance of Library à la Carte to serve up multiple independent sites.

Interested in contributing to Phoenix Edition? Send us your pull request!

And finally if there is interest, we can offer a hosted version for those who would like to use Library à la Carte but can't host it themselves. Please contact us if you are interested.

Library à la Carte Phoenix Edition source now available! 4.5 5 Unknown Kamis, 05 September 2013 Update: As of April 9, 2015 we have discontinued development of Library à la Carte Phoenix Edition. We've finalized our first round of u...

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